Monday 14 November 2016

Uttar asks Arjuna about his form

Arjuna continued. Listen to me Son of Virata while I tell you about my other names. I can use both hands simultaneously when shooting arrows, so I am also called Sabyasachi.There is no other like me in form so I came to be called Arjuna. I was born under the Falguni constellation, so I am also called Falguni. As I won over Indra I am called Jishnu.

Uttar said Forgive me for having doubted you. My father is blessed to have been able to service you. You are under the protection of Krishna and I seek your protection.

Arjuna said I am pleased with you. Get the weapons and I will fight and rescue the cattle.

Uttar said Why should I fear now that I am in your company. I do have a question. You are known for your physique. Why are you in this form which is not that of a man or a woman?

Arjuna said - As advised by Yudhistira I went to the Himalays to pray to Shiva. Pleasing Him, I went to the heaven and helped Indra kill Kalkeya. The most beautiful of all apsaras, Urvashi, wanted me. When I refused she cursed me to become an eunuch. When I begged off her, she said I will become an eunuch for a year.

Uttar then said - Please tell me now what you wish off me.

Arjuna said Become my charioteer. We will have some fun now with the army.

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