Monday 9 January 2017

Day Nine

Yudhistira was sad. Bhishma was fighting in full form and Krishna's vow had been broken.
Drupada said The Lord will bend down to please his devotee.
This talking the night ended and the day started and battle began.
Arjuna killed many soldiers and so did Bhima. Rivers of blood were flowing in the ground and in that dead animals and soldiers were floating.
Bhishma killed many of the Pandava soldiers. Foot soldiers, horses and elephants fell. Bhima shot arrows at Duryodhana, wounding him. Duryodhana picked up his mace and jumped off his chariot. He killed Bhima's charioteer with a blow of his mace. Bhima cut off the mace with his arrows.
Drona attacked Bhima cutting off his bow. Bhima picked another bow. Before he could string the bow, Drona cut that too. Angry, Bhima picked his mace. Drona tried to cut the mace, but before that Bhima smashed Drona's chariot. Drona jumped on another chariot and started showering arrows at Bhima. Bhima killed the charioteer. Drona, with sharp arrows, cut off the mace. Angry Bhima picked up the chariot. Drona fell on the ground. Drona then rushed towards Bhima and both started wrestling.
With no one winning, Drona climbed on a chariot and started aiming arrows at Bhima. Bhima then got on his chariot and cut off Drona's bow again.
Abhimanyu was killing many soldiers. Kripacharya attacked Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu cut off Kripa's arrows. Kripa, taking divine weapons, cut off Abhimanyu's bow. Taking another bow, Abhimanyu killed the horses and charioteer of Kripa. With two arrows, Abhimanyu pierced Kripa's armor. Kripa fainted.
Ashwatthama saw this and came to Kripa's rescue. Abhimanyu cut off his bow. Abhimanyu cut off all weapons of the son of Drona.
Arjuna and Bhishma were fighting. Arjuna cut off all the divine weapons that Bhishma tried to use. Arjuna then cut off Bhishma's bow. He then pierced Bhishma's armor. Then he began busy, killing soldiers.
Bhishma recovering shot arrows wounding both Arjuna and Krishna.
With evening, the day came to an end.

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