Monday 9 May 2016

Krishna shows his real self

Vibhishana was happy. He had heard that Narayana had been born as the son of Vasudeva. This was the same Narayana whom he had served. There was nothing more wonderful other than the fact that Narayana himself had sent for Vibhishana.
Calling his well wishers and friends, he decided to leave for Indraprastha.
Vibhishana, entering Indrapratha saw Krishna. Tears started flowing from his eyes at the sight of the Lord.
Krishna went to Vibhishana and hugged him. Vibhishana presented all the gifts that he had got, to Krishna.
Krishna said he would take Vibhishana to Yudhistira. Vibhishana said he said come there to see Krishna and would not like to see or meet anyone else.
Krishna said the invitation was from Yudhistira who was performing the sacrifice, and as the son of Dharma, he deserved respect.
Vibhishana said he had made a bow that he would not bend down in front of anyone else other than Krishna. Take me to meet anyone, I will come with you, but I will not bend down in front of anyone else.
When Krishna tried to enter the main sacrificial hall with Vibhishana, he was stopped by people guarding the gates. They said Vibhishana would have to wait outside till the news came to allow them into the main hall. There were many kings and guests who had been waiting for days to go inside, and Visbhishana was asked to go and sit with them till he was called.

They waited for their turn and were finally able to go in. Finally Sahadeva came got them inside.

The moment Krishna entered, string winds started blowing. All started falling down in a faint. Krishna started increasing his size and  the entire universe was in him. He had thousands of faces, thousands of eyes

Yudhistira bowed down at Krishna and calmed him. He asked for the reason for this. Krishna said he was a slave of his devotees and if the devotee was insulted, he felt greater insult. For days Vibhishana had been made to wait, and the reason that was given was , that the king was busy

Yudhistira realized his mistake. He gave orders for the kings and nagas and Gods who had been waiting were to be brought inside. .

Off the people inside only Vyasa and Narada knew about Krishna's form. The rest all forgot seeing the real self of Krishna.

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