Thursday 5 May 2016

Death of Jarasandha

Bhima and Jarasandha fought non stop. First it was with maces. Jarasandha said to Bhima You have invited your death by coming to Magadha. Bhima said Death is calling out to you. I have come as death's messenger.
Maces discarded they started wrestling. They started throwing each other around, in the arena.
The sounds they made were loud. Slapping of bodies and their voices were the only sounds that could be heard.
They picked up the maces again, and sparks flew when the maces struck each other. For fourteen days they kept fighting.

The two were tired. Constant fighting without a break and food was getting to them.

Jarasandha soon collapsed on the ground. Taking this as an opportunity, Bhima picked up Jarasandha and swinging his body around, dashed it against the ground. He was surprised to see Jarasandha alive.
Bhima looked at Krishna for help. Krishna said to Bhima, you have forgotten about Jarasandha's birth. To kill him, you will have to tear his body into two.

Bhima taking that as a clue, went back. Pressing one foot of Jarasandha, he ripped the body apart and threw the body pieces away. Jarasandha was dead.

Hearing this, Sahadeva, son of Jarasandha came to Krishna and fell at his feet. Krishna consoled him and announced that he would be the next king of Magadha. All the imprisoned kings were released. Krishna asked the kings to return to their kingdom and show their good will when Yudhistira would be performing the Rajsuya sacrifice.

Krishna along with Bhima and Arjuna then left Magadha in a chariot and reached Indraprastha. They bowed down before Yudhistira and told him all that had happened.

Krishna then set forth for Dwaraka. 


  1. I heard of throwing the each part of the body in opposite direction so that they can not joined again ..

  2. I had seen that in the serials and in movies. Vyasa does not mention that, nor does Kasidas. So may, other versions (there are many) which did.

  3. Probably I recollect it from Old Mahabharata serial only.

  4. I checked and found the South Indian version having this - probably came from there.
