Wednesday 29 June 2016

Urvashi curses Arjuna

Indra asked the gandharva Chitrasen to arrange for a place for Arjuna to stay. Once that was done, Indra asked him to send Urvashi to Arjuna's quarters.

Chitrasen took Arjuna to a lavish room and said this was where he would be staying.

Leaving Arjuna, Chitrasen went to Urvashi and asked her to go where Arjuna was.

Decking herself, Urvashi went where Arjuna was.

The guard at the door announced to Arjuna that Urvashi had come to meet him. Arjuna came and greeted her.

Urvashi said she had been asked to come to him and spend the night with him. This was Indra's orders. Arjuna put his hands on his ears and said this was unacceptable.
He said I will not be able to hear these words of yours. Why do you use such vile words, respected woman. You are like a mother to me. I have heard from the great sages that it was because of you the Puru dynasty prospered.  I looked at you with that respect.

Urvashi said I belong to no one and I go on my free will. Leave the bonds aside and stay with me. All the people who you call my descendants have also stayed with me. No one cares for sentiments.

Arjuna said I treat you like my mothers Kunti and Madri and like Sachi, wife of Indra.

Urvashi was angry. She said I came because your father, Indra, asked me to come and you refuse to accept. I curse you to loose your masculinity. You will live among women like a eunuch. You will dance and sing. This is my curse.

Saying so, Urvashi left. Arjuna did not sleep a wink, and kept thinking of what Urvashi had said.

In the morning, Arjuna approached Indra and told him what had happened.

Indra praised Arjuna and said such self control was worthy of praise. He said Such actions have purified the Kuru dynasty. The curse of Urvashi will help you. When you have to go in hiding, you will become an eunuch. You will stay like that for a year, after which you will regain your masculinity. 

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