Thursday 25 February 2016

Karna enters

When Arjuna was showing his skills, Karna walked into the arena. His body was shining like gold. He was very handsome, with lotus like eyes and golden earrings on his ears. On his back he had two quivers and in his left hand he held a bow. On his chest he was wearing an armor which was impenetrable.

Karna said what Arjuna was showing was child's play and he could do better. Addressing Arjuna, he said he could do better than him.

Duryodhana was happy to hear this. Drona asked Karna what he knew. Duryodhana came and embraced Karna. He promised Karna friendship till the end, to which Karna said all Duryodhana's wishes would be like a command to him. He said in addition, he had one wish. He wanted to enter into a combat with Arjuna.

Arjuna said this was an uninvited guest who was talking too much. Karna said there was no point wasting words and the weapons should prove who was superior.

Drona agreed to the combat. Karna and Arjuna got ready. The audience became divided, some supporting Arjuna some supporting Karna.

Seeing Karna, glowing in the sunlight, Kunti recognized him as her son. Realizing that two of her sons would be getting into a combat, she fainted.

Kripa came there and addressing all said Arjuna is the son of Kunti. He asked Karna to introduce himself and say to which clan he belonged.

Karna bent his head. His eyes became wet. Duryodhana said if only some royal could have a combat, then Karna would be made royal. He sent for his messengers and priests and crowned Karna the king of Anga. He presented a crown to him and held an umbrella over his head.

Karna said to Duryodhana, You have given me Anga. Tell me what I can do for you? Duryodhana said he had no other wish but to be friends with Karna.

Suddenly, the charioteer Adhiratha entered the arena. Karna bowed down to him. Seeing this and guessing Karna to be Adhiratha's son, Bhima said a son of a charioteer had now come for a combat. He asked him throw away the bow and hold the reins of a chariot.

Duryodhana could sense Karna was uncomfortable. He came and stopped Bhima. He said one should not judge one by one's birth. Vishwamitra was a Khastritya who became a brahman. Drona was born in a pot. He asked Bhima to take one look at Karna and see him glowing like the sun. A tiger would never be born off a doe

While Duryodhana was talking, the sun slowly set. All invited guests left. Karna and the sons of Dhritarashtra left the arena together. The Pandavas went to their houses.

Kunti was happy. Her son was safe and was now the king of Anga.  

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