Tuesday 14 February 2017

Shalya fights

Dhritarashtra asked Sanjaya - Please tell me how of the Kaurava warriors are left? What did Shalya and Duryodhana do? My son has brought an end with his thought process.
Sanajay said There are eleven thousand soldiers riding on chariots. There many horses and elephants and crores of soldiers, The pandavas have a similar number in their army and none is less than the other.
Yudhistira was fighting away. Seeing this Shalya got enraged. He went to attack.
Nakula was fighting Chitrasena, son of Karna. Chitrasena cut off Nakula's bow. He cut off Nakula's chariot. Nakula jumped down with his sword and shield. With a blow he cut off Chitrasena's head. Two brothers, Satyasena and Sushena began fighting Nakula. Satyasena aimed a weapon at Nakula, who dodged the weapon. He then hit Satyasena with a weapon, who fell. Sushena seeing this cut off Nalula's chariot. Nakula jumped on to another chariot and then killed Sushena.

Shalya and Yudhistira began fighting. Kritavarma and Kripacharya came to help Shalya. Bhima joined the fight. He killed off the horses and the charioteer of Shalya's chariot.

Shalya jumped onto another chariot and then aimed a spear at Bhima. The spear pierced Bhima, who easily and plucked it off and threw it aside. He then hurled that at Shalya, who hit by the weapon, fell on his chariot.

Shalya then jumped down with his mace and both Bhima and Shalya began fighting. Later both discarded their maces and began fighting with their bows and arrows.

Later Yudhistira and Satyaki joined Bhima. Yudhistira cut off Shalya's chariot. Yudhistira was agitated. He had made up his mind to defeat Shalya. Shalya aimed weapons at Yudhistira managing to control him. Bhima came to Yudhistira rescue and has his armor cut by Shalya.

Yudhistira then aimed weapons at Shalya. Shalya collapsed on his chariot.

Seeing this, Krishna said to Yudhistira - Kill Shalya now.

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