Friday 3 February 2017

Bhagdatta killed

Seeing Bhagdatta, Arjuna said to Krishna - He is killing off the Pandava army. I promise that I will kill him today. Please take me close to him.

Hearing this, Krishna smiled and turned the chariot. Arrows started pouring like rain. Bhagdatta shouted that he would kill Arjuna, Arjuna said Leave your pride aside and fight.

Arjuna and Bhagdatta began fighting. Bhagdatta tried to trample the chariot with his elephant but Krishna quickly managed to maneuver the chariot quickly. Bhagdatta shot arrows which were cut by Arjuna. Arjuna then hit an arrow at the belly of the elephant. The elephant collapsed. Bhagdatta then got a chariot driven by elephants and began fighting, riding that.

Bhagdatta shot arrows which Arjuna cut off. Bhagdatta then used weapons which Arjuna was not able to combat and fell on the chariot. This angered Krishna who said You are not concentrating. You said you will kill Bhagdatta. How do you plan to do this? Use divine weapons and kill him fast.

Arjuna used a divine weapon which Bhagdatta managed to avoid. He then got a weapon called Vaishnava and said he would use that. Bhagdatta released the arrow. Seeing this, Krishna pushed Arjuna aside and faced the weapon. The weapon merged with Krishna.

Arjuna asked Krishna why he did this.
Krishna said There was no way Arjuna could have faced the weapon. Arjuna said What is this weapon? How did Bhagdatta get this?
Krishna said Narakasura got this weapon from me. From Naraka, this weapon went to his son Bhagdatta. This weapon will always kill its target and there is no way it will be futile. You will not be able to combat it, which is why I faced it. Now that Bhagdatta has used that weapon, quickly cut off the head of Bhagdatta.

'Arjuna then shot five arrows and cut off Bhagdatta's bow. Bhagdatta picked another bow and that was cut. This continued with Arjuna cutting off all bows of Bhagdatta.
Bhagdatta then began hurling spears at Arjuna who cut them. With a weapon, Arjuna then killed Bhagdatta. The dead body of Bhagdatta fell on the chariot. 

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