Monday 17 October 2016


Yudhistira said I am pleased to hear the amazing story of Rama. Who is this Savitri that you mention? I want to know more.
Markandeya said - In the king of Avani was a king called Ashwapati. He prayed to Shiva for a child. He soon was blessed with a daughter who was named Savitri. She was beautiful to look at and even the Gods were jealous of her beauty. She was also a very learned person.

One day, when she was grown up, Savitri went to the forest with her friends. She came across a ashrama of a sage and decided to visit that. This was the ashrama of Dyumatsena. He was the king of Avantika, who had been defeated by his enemies and had settled down in the forest. His son, Satyavana, was with him. Satyavana was a very handsome person.
Savitri saw him and wanted to know who the handsome person was. Hearing and knowing about him, Savitri wanted to have him as her husband.
She went and told her mother. The queen and her husband were sad that Savitri had chosen a homeless person to be her husband.
One day Narada came to visit the king. Seeing Savitri, the sage asked who she was. The king said this was his only daughter. The sage asked if she had been married, and the king said No, but his daughter had chosen to marry the son of sage.
Narada asked Savitri who the person was, whom she had chosen. She said he was the son of King Dyumatsena. Narada said he knew who the sage was and asked her to choose another as her husband.
Savitri said she would not do that. She had given her heart away and would live with that.
The king asked the sage Why he was asking his daughter to choose another person?
The sage said - Dyumtsena was a noble king in the solar dynasty. One day, the king lost his sight and became blind. As a blind king was not able to rule, he left his kingdom along with his wife and son and retired into the forest. Remember that one that is born, will die one day.
The king hearing this said That was truth that would not be averted. He said he was happy knowing that his daughter had made a good choice.
The sage said I will object to this alliance. There is no person who can beat Satyavan in qualities or looks. but a year from now, he will be no more.
The king he would now like to rethink and probably arrange for a swayamvar for his daughter. After all, life was tough for a young widow.
Savitri hearing her father said I will marry no other. If being a widow is there in my destiny, then that will come true, irrespective of whom I get married to.
Hearing this, Narada blessed the girl and left.
The king tried to convince Savitri to marry another, but she was adamant.

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