Wednesday 19 October 2016

Savitri gets boons from Yama

Satyavan came and lay down with his head on Savitri's lap. Soon, his breathing stopped. Savitri decided to be there. She remained sitting there.
In the heaven, Yama asked his followers to go and get the soul of Satyavana.  The Yamdoots came there. There was a glow emanating from Savitri's body. The helpers, not able to go close, went back to Yama.
Yama then came himself. He said the time of Satyavana on his world was over and he needed to go. Savitri said she was not stopping him.
Yama swooped Satyavana's soul and started on his journey.
Savitri started following Yama. Yama asked her to go back but she said she would go where her husband was going. Savitri knew that death was ultimate truth but as a human it would take her some time to come to terms with that, and she would thus have to go where her husband was going.
Pleased Yama said Ask for a boon. Ask for anything other than your husband.
Savitri said let my father have sons.
Yama said So be it.
Savitri still did not leave Yama.
Yama asked her to go back and she said she was reluctant to do so.
Yama said ask for a boon other than your husband.
Savitri said Let my father in law regain his sight.
Yama said So be it.
Savitri still continued.
She said I want to know the ultimate truth and thus I am coming with you.
Yama said Ask for something other than your husband.
Savitri said Let my father in law regain his kingdom.
Yama said So Be It.
Savitri still did not not leave.
Savitri said I know the world is an illusion and that all have to go, leaving their near and dear ones. I want to know how to combat that.
Yama said I will give you anything that you need other than your husband.
Savitri said Let me have a son through Satyavana.
Yama said You wil have many sons. No please go home.
Savitri still did not leave.
Yama said I gave you four boons, what more do you need.
Savitri said You blessed me to have sons, but how will that be possible if my husband is not with me?

Yama said You are clever and pious. Anyone who listens to your tale will be blessed. Go where you were, your husband will come to life. Your tale will be told among women and you will be known as the one who got her husband back from death.

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