Wednesday 5 April 2017

Five Ghosts

Bhishma said -
On his travels around the pilgrim places, Parashurama came across five ghosts near the site of Kurukshetra. The ghosts were devouring the dead. Parashurama asked them who they were. They said - Let us tell you about ourselves. Before that tell us who you are. You have matted locks in your head and are very handsome. You seem strong and have a lean physique.
Parashurama said I am a brahmin by birth who is roaming the earth visiting every pilgrim place.
The ghosts then said I am Sachimukha. The others are Shigrakh, Pashyurshit, Lekhak and Pathak. We live in the forests.
Parashurama said Why do have such weird names?
To this, Sachimukha said - Once I was the son of a merchant. Once I had a guest in my house whom I ignored. I ate my meal with my family not caring for the guest. I was then born as a ghost Sachimukha.
Shigrakh then said I was a hunter once. I used to steal from others. Once a guest came to my house and I drove the guest away. The guest cursed me to become a ghost and live on excreta and urine of others.
One ghost said I was a son of a priest. I was cruel and a miser. One day a brahmin came and said he was hungry and asked for some food. I drove the brahmin away and now I am born as the ghost Lekhak.
One ghost said I was a son of a merchant. Once a guest came asking for food. I defiled the food by first putting my saliva in it and then gave it. That is why I was born as the ghost Pashyurshit.
The last ghost said - We roam the cremation grounds eating excreta. We look for brahmins who do not perform regular worship, and use their bodies to travel. We look for those people who are not performing their duties and we live in them. Listen to me. I was born in a low caste house. When a guest came to my house, I refused to let the person in and acted as if I was sleeping. I was then cursed to become a ghost and became Pathak.
Parashurama asked them how would they get salvation. The Ghosts said if they came across an ideal person who was a devotee, they would get relieved.
While the ghosts were talking to Parashurama, all their sins were removed. The ghosts then took divine forms and bowing down to the sage , went to heaven. 

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